Don’t Use OCD as an Excuse

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Ike and Carolyn just got back from their honeymoon…and it’s so fun to see their faces shining with excitement as they retell all the wonderful details.

It fills this dad’s heart full to overflowing.

But not long after hearing all their fun stories, I made my way to my office and checked in on The Smiling Homeschooler’s Facebook page.

The purpose of the page is to be a constant source of encouragement, cheering, and a reminder of what matters and what doesn’t. But a comment that chased away all the happy feelings was from a well-meaning homeschool mom (they always are).

Earlier, I had posted a meme of a messy school room to remind moms that messy is OK…normal, and a sign of a smiling home.

The first comment I saw was from a mom saying, “I don’t see how letting your children make that big of a mess could be a good thing.”

I know the mom meant well and maybe posted without thinking…but I know her words cut across the hearts of many homeschoolers like a knife. I KNOW there were some moms who breathed a sigh of relief and freedom when they saw the post, but when they read her comment, doubts, guilt, and condemnation replaced those feelings.

But here’s what really gets me…I think the mom is lying to herself. Now I’m not trying to be harsh here and please don’t write me, but I think some moms (read – not you) use the line of logic, “I just can’t live that way” or “I’m just OCD” as an excuse to put clean houses above relationships.

That makes me sad. Mom, you hear me clearly: messy houses are the sign of a “real” home. We have been duped into believing the lie that neat and orderly homes are what God and our family, truly desires…and it’s not true. What God and your family desires is for you to care more about them than picked up rooms, vacuumed carpet, spotless walls, completed homeschool schedules, and neat stacks of folded laundry.

If you’re always hollering at your children to pick up, clean up, stop making messes… instead of smiling… then you’ve forgotten what matters more (I’m preaching at me now).

So let the house go for a day or so, and…smile.  

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