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A little about us…

The Smiling Homeschooler was created to help YOU and YOUR children smile. You used to smile. In fact, when you started homeschooling you had all kinds of visions of smiling…but somewhere along the way you stopped smiling. That’s about to change. What we’re doing can be grouped into three categories: a Free weekly email, a podcast, and a community.

We want you

to smile again!

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Sign up for our newsletter

The Smiling Homeschool Newsletter is a free weekly email from me to you. It’s kind of like having an e-cheerleader on the side lines cheering you on as you homeschool your children. Don’t worry, it’ll be short, real, and a weekly dose of encouragement…did I say short? But, the only way to get it…is to sign up now.

Listen to our podcast

There are homeschooling podcasts and then there is The Smiling Homeschool podcast which is unlike them all!! I promise you wont’ feel discouraged or weighed down with guilt after listening. Instead you’ll laugh, be renewed, and know that you’re not alone in your struggle to homeschool your kids. So pour a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and join us each week.

Join the community!

This is the REAL-EST homeschool community on the internet. There will be no posts of gourmet, organic meals, complicated craft ideas, or love sonnets written by obedient children to their mothers. I promise that we’ll share the truth and nothing but the truth…and sometimes it will be ugly. And because of that…you’ll  smile when you discover that all those lonely, discouraged feeling you’re feeling…other homeschooling moms feel. So join The Smiling Homeschool Community now.

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We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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