High School Grammar Wars
Diving into the topic of High School Grammar and sentence diagramming feels like jumping into a frigid Minnesota lake in the dead of winter. Again, all that I know about High school Grammar is from the accumulated experience at Danville Community High School. And what I remember about high school grammar is…nothing…nada…zippo.
I’m sure we did some stirring exercises on sentence diagramming and parts of speech…but I’m drawing a blank on what that actually was. As you know from reading these posts (this one included) I’m not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to grammar.
I do remember drawing lines under words…trying to connect them to other words…and faking the whole tings because I just didn’t get it. Oh, I understood HOW to do it then…I just didn’t get the purpose of it then and don’t get the purpose of it now.
I mean what’s the point in identifying a prepositional phrase, a direct object, or a dangling participial (I have know idea about that one)?
Oh, I know the experts tell us why sentence diagramming is so necessary and that it makes us better writers and helps us understand the nuances of grammar…blah blah blah. BUT I’M NOT BUYING IT.
Honestly, I feel like someone has sold us a wagon load of tripe. I believe the only reason to know how to diagram a sentence is so that someone can give us a test, and grade, on sentence diagramming. And if I’m not careful, such things occasionally slip from my mouth on homeschool convention platforms.
It was on one such an occasion that a homeschooling mom and dad marched up to my innocent wife and laid into her, “Do you know what your husband said yesterday about sentence diagramming?” She didn’t and could only imagine that it was probably an un-thought through blanket statement in an attempt to pull down all social and educational norms.
They went on to say, “We’re both English majors and decided last night to make a list of all the reasons why sentence diagramming is so necessary…and we came up with none. He’s right.”
The point is not about being right…it’s about using your noggin and asking the question, “What’s the purpose of teaching sentence diagramming, calculus, or Medieval folk music?” because you should be asking those questions.
So my advice when it comes to high school grammar and sentence diagramming is…do whatever YOU think is best. If YOU love grammar and think it’s important to master sentence diagramming in order to live a productive life…then teach grammar and sentence diagramming. If on the other hand, you’re like me and think it’s all a bunch of hooey and don’t want to teach high school grammar, then don’t. God made you smart enough to know what’s best for your children.
That should make your kids and you alike…smile!
PS – I’m telling you, all I know about grammar I learned through School House Rock…and I make my living as a writer and speaker!!!