Homeschooling A BUNCH
We specialize in homeschooling a bunch of kids at once. And by specialize, I mean we stumble our way through. Homeschooling many is hard. Every year my wife spends time mapping out the delicately-choreographed dance of homeschooling a bunch of kids.
She’s tried all kind of aids and guides through the years. One had her schedule out her time in 15 minute increments…another suggested she use older children to help younger children. Our experience has been that it is ALL hard to carry out!!! There is no easy way to homeschool a bunch of children.
But I think my wife would say that the last few years have been…better. She has adopted the “do the next thing” method, based on a general order of things, rather than a precise time schedule. She has a schedule of subjects/tasks for each child to accomplish (the younger ones) and she coordinates these so that they are all doing a subject with mom or a subject independently or all together, simultaneously and then they move onto the NEXT thing. It still involves some juggling and some flexibility, but it seems to work.
The older kids are mostly on their own. My wife knows and picks (& let’s them help pick) what they’re going to cover each year and then she checks in to make sure they’re doing it. If they get stuck, then she works with them until they understand what they’re supposed to know and do.
But here’s the deal: homeschooling a bunch of children isn’t for cowards, but it is the best way to learn…surrounded by people you love, knowing the world doesn’t revolve around you. In fact, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So, if you feel like giving up, take heart, you’re not alone, Thank God for the opportunity to homeschool your children and get back in the game.
Make sure you smile,