The High School Triangle
Hey Mom,
The words ‘High School’ strike fear into the hearts of most homeschoolers. It’s somewhat comparable to the Bermuda Triangle…a mysterious place that forebodes doom and unexplainable death.
Even our non-homeschooling friends and relatives question us differently when our children hit a certain age and wonder if we should be altering our course. They are mildly tolerant of our homeschooling in the elementary years…after all, we are the parents and can surely guide our kids through the waters of A, B, C’s and beginner’s math.
But as we approach the “triangle”, they say things like, “What are your plans now that Charlie is going into high school? You’re certainly not going to try teaching him in high school, are you?”
Even if we ignore their skepticism, their words poison our minds causing us to doubt and fear the unknown waters of the High School Triangle. To add injury to insult, even other homeschoolers, homeschool experts, and curriculum dealers reinforce the LIE that homeschooling during the high school years is almost beyond the reach of mere mortal homeschoolers.
They don’t mean to (at least I don’t think they do), but they scare us with the constant reminder that we’d better be prepared for the high school years if we have any hope of survival.
Mom, let me remind you of the truth: You are the best teacher for your children during the elementary years AND during the high school years.
God made you smart enough to know what’s best for your children during the elementary years as well as the high school years. Matter of fact, I believe that the best time to homeschool is during the high school years.
Hey, I remember my high school years…I learned a lot, but little of it had anything to do with school, and almost all of it I wish I hadn’t learned.
So quit listening to the doomsayers, keep your course, and be confident as you sail through the high school triangle. Sure it will be hard at times…but the good things always are. And for goodness sake, don’t forget to…