Homeschooling AND Potty Training…like PB&J

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If you homeschooled for any length of time you’ve faced the potty training dilemma. Moms come up to e in exasperation wanting to know how do you do both…at the same time? To me potty training and homeschooling go together as naturally as Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Maybe I should start by saying, my wife is way smarter than I am. Sometimes I wish I could just have her sit down with you and talk. She knows so much more about homeschooling and life than I do (I still know more about RVs!!!).

One of the things she often tells other homeschooling moms is not to look at homeschooling as something you ADD TO your life but as a natural PART OF your lives.

Is that not brilliant??!!!! She’s right on the money. That makes the potty training dilemma…not so much of a dilemma. Instead of asking, “How can I homeschool my kids while potty training?” the statement becomes, “Homeschooling and potty training can go hand in hand because they’re both just part of my life.” It’s not an interruption, but just part of school as much as it is a part of life.

Can you get as much school done when you’re potty training? Maybe not…but that’s OK. Maybe potty training is part of the lesson for awhile. Daughters watch and learn how to be moms and siblings help a younger brother or sister learn a new skill and cheer them along the way. Those are valuable lessons.

That truth, by the way, applies to all those things we look at as ‘interruptions’…sickness, character issues, house tasks, toddlers, elderly parents, teenagers…everything. It’s all just part of life. And everyone knows that life is the best teacher and the best classroom to learn in.

Smile as you run to the bathroom,

PS – I also know more about old TV trivia from the 60’s and 70’s than my wife.

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