Cabin Fever
It kind of feels like a scene from Little House on the Prairie…where a dust-cover farmer bursts into the church meeting and hollers, “I need Doc Baker…there’s a bad case of Cabin Fever down at the Wilson’s!”
I’m telling you, we’ve got it here. It might be because the cold has hung around here for quite a spell…or that it’s icy and slushy outside right now…or that we’re just tired of being indoors. Whatever the reason, we’d sure like to load up the Familyman Mobile and go somewhere warm like…southern Indiana.
Now you may find yourself living in the tropical location of…Kentucky and still be feeling the effects of cabin fever. It happens to all of us around this time of year. We’re beginning to run out of steam after five months of homeschooling and have caught the faintest glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel (and what a glorious light it is).
If we were in traditional school, we’d just have to gut it out, BUT we’re not. We’re home educators…LIFE educators. We can do what we want, when we want to do it. If we want to take a day or two off to play games, go shopping, do a little spring cleaning, or head to McDonald’s for lunch, we can do that.
In fact, our family will be better off if we do, and so will yours.
So, if you’re feeling the effects of cabin fever and have contemplated eating your children, then do something different for a day or two. In your best official voice announce, “We’re doing something different today…something fun.” Then do it…and don’t feel guilty about it.
If you’re not smiling…you may have a case of Cabin Fever!

PS – Need more convincing? Last week I was at a coffee shop and saw a bunch of obviously not homeschooled kids and asked them if they had school today. “No,” they answered, “It’s teacher workday, today.” You tell me, what in name of Andrew Pudewa is teacher workday? It sounds like a case of cabin fever to me.