Don’t be a Homeschool Hamster
I love homeschooling. I believe in homeschooling. I believe God invented and designed homeschooling. I believe every parent can homeschool their children. I believe that homeschooling should bring joy and smiles…you’re laughing and shaking your head in disbelief.
It’s true. I believe homeschooling should create joy and smiles. I’m not stupid enough to think that you’ll ALWAYS be smiling and singing through each day, but I believe Jesus’ loads and burdens are light and easy…and bring joy and smiles.
So where did the joy go and why aren’t we smiling anymore? I think it’s because we’re homeschool hamsters. Let me explain.

Years ago, my sister-in-law told this story that stuck with me. She and her husband, along with their four children, lived in Alabama. They loved the climate and the state, but after a few years her husband was transferred back up to God’s country, Indiana.
As they prepared for the move, they decided that they would leave behind their pet hamster and would grant him his freedom and release him into the wild (to join a hamster pack).
Being the gentle people they were, they placed the hamster cage out in the back yard, opened the door, and waited for him to scurry out. He didn’t scurry. In fact after a few minutes they walked back into the house thinking he would prefer to go when no one was looking.
When they returned some time later, he was still there. Thinking he just needed a little help, they dumped the hamster out, left the cage in the yard, and walked back inside.
Later when they came to collect the cage…the hamster was back inside. I don’t remember what they did after that, but I would have lectured the hamster and said, “You dumb rodent; I’m offering your freedom and you keep choosing the cage.”
I’m sure the hamster had lots of good reasons, known only to him, but I’m guessing he stayed because the cage had become comfortable and safe…even though he was designed for freedom.
Now, I don’t want to push the hamster comparison too far (and please don’t write me about hamster life), but I think many homeschool moms act the same way. The cage is the traditional school model created with rules, methods, and standards. The ‘wild’ outdoors is homeschooling, based on relationships and freedom.
We homeschoolers have the freedom to enjoy the relationships, but no matter how many articles we read about it, how many speakers talk about it, and what we say we believe in our heads….we still keep running back to the cage to do it the ‘school way.’
Mom, you are FREE. You can homeschool ‘your’ way based on your strengths and your children’s. You don’t have to do it the ‘school’ way or cover what they say you need to cover.
You’re free!!! Free to enjoy your children’s strengths and weaknesses. Free to skip days when you need to skip them. Free to do homeschooling the way that best fits your family.
So get out of the cage!!!
Note to Dads: sometimes you might need to rattle the cage for your wife and push her back into the wild.