(Picture me in a lab coat, a stethoscope around my neck…and speaking in my best Bulgarian accent)
“Vell, Vell…Ze good newz is zat you vill not die from it, but ze bad newz iz you have a touch of ‘wrongperspectiveitis.’ It tendz to be an epidemic thiz time of year among homeschoolerz, but don’t be alarmed, I’ve zeen vorse.”
Here are some of the symptoms: Your children fuss a lot during school hours, you think your kids are dumb, lazy, complaining monsters…I mean, little darlings. The only time you smile is during summer vacation and two weeks at Christmas. You have less joy than a turnip and constantly compare your children, and yourself, with other homeschooling families (case of homeschool envy).
Yep, you’ve got it all right.
So, here’s the cure. You have to change your perspective. Quit using the “world’s” measuring stick and start using God’s. Believe it or not, God made you smart enough to figure out what that is – you don’t need any ‘experts.’
So, figure out what that is and stick to it…no matter what! Quit looking around at how other families are doing school and start enjoying your own. Stop measuring your success by your activities and achievements and how others view your children or your homeschool.
I’m telling you, ‘wrongperspectiveitis’ may not kill you, but it will kill your homeschooling and sap every ounce of joy from your being.
Dad, you take the lead on this one. Keep reminding your bride of the true measuring stick, your goals, and God’s standard.
“Zo Mom, take a Zpoonful of ze truth…but don’t call me in ze morning!”
Dr. Todd Von-Vilzon (PHHS)