When Extended Family is Not Supportive
This shouldn’t surprise you, but extended family is RARELY supportive of homeschooling. Why would they be? It’s new to them and seems ‘unnatural.’ After all, just about everyone they know sends their kids to a normal school.
They sometimes say harsh, unthinking things and even when they don’t say something…you can tell they’re thinking it.
Now the natural thing would be to defend yourself…to fire off a bunch of statistics or pepper them with Bible verses, but resist the urge. Instead, let your children do the talking (not literally) for you.
Just plug away, and let the difference between your homeschooled children and other schooled children speak for itself…because it will. Your family will eventually see a difference between those who are schooled with the masses and those who are schooled at home.
In fact, I would just about bet that those who are the biggest skeptics will become your biggest allies and proponents of homeschooling.
Just smile and be real!