Top 10 Ways to Know You Need a Little Break from Homeschooling
- It’s 2:30 in the afternoon, you sigh and say, “Well I suppose we should do some school today.”
- You check the internet for any obscure holiday that you can use to cancel school for the day, “Oh, kids today is National be Kind to Porcupine’s Day!
- You’re husband smiles and says, “Good morning sweetheart.” You snap and snarl, “Don‘t tell me when to start school!!”
- You’re husband smiles and says, “How was school today, sweetheart?” You snap and snarl, “So you just assumed we didn’t school today…is that IT?!!!”
- You see the news headlines about a gangster and think, “… probably homeschooled.”
- You begin to inwardly resent moms who smile.
- You’ve hung up mid-dialing the number to your local school to register your kids…twice this week.
- You start each day by calculating how many more days of school until graduation…and your oldest is only EIGHT.
- In the midst of a chaotic day of homeschooling you think you’re having a heart attack…and glad about it!
- It’s been a week and you can’t recall if you’ve brushed your hair or teeth in all that time.
PS – The kind of break I’m talking is a Christmas break…a day off. I’m NOT saying you need to stop homeschooling. Got it?!!

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LOL! love this, mainly because it’s TRUE! Thanks for keeping us smiling! Have a Merry Christmas!